Tellington TTouch® Tellington TTouch® is a method of working with animals that effectively reduces stress, fear, aggression, and anxiety. It is also helpful in modifying behavior, increasing flexibility, and aiding in recovery when combined with veterinarian care. The approach is gentle yet systematic and helps animals to better cope with different and novel situations. It improves confidence, focus, and learning.
With gentle touches, body wraps, and groundwork (various exercises with equipment), we engage and calm the animal’s nervous system and teach it to move non-habitually. Since an animal that is stressed or anxious cannot learn, by incorporating TTouch®, we aid animals (in my case, dogs, cats, birds, and rabbits) in relaxing. The animal can then focus on learning new ways of coping with situations in which it previously reacted with fear, concern, or anxiety.
Another terrific benefit of TTouch® is that it gives the guardian the tools to engage with their animal in non-threatening ways, establishing or deepening their trust. During a TTouch® session, you will learn how to use wraps and perform bodywork.
TTouch can be part of a training session with your dog or as a TTouch® only session.
After the one-hour Initial Assessment, we will meet for six 45-minute sessions. We will engage with TTouch bodywork during the sessions, applying wraps and doing groundwork exercises.
Clients are required to engage with their dog doing bodywork in between sessions. The at-home bodywork sessions can be five to 20 minutes long, Depending on your dog’s disposition to receive the benefits of the work.

“I wanted to share with you Tank’s progress with meeting the dog sitter again. It went great!!! I followed your instructions for meeting strangers in the house and he did so well! By the end of thirty minutes, he was sitting down with his back to her and relaxed. He kept going up to her and would ‘go say hi’ like a champ! I am super pleased! Thanks for your help! 😁” – Janet Kirk, Santa Fe, NM