ABOUT C.H.A.C.O’s Behavior Programs:
For any of C.H.A.C.O’s Behavior Programs, we start with a Ninety Minute Initial Consult. After learning more about your situation and goals, I will give you my best estimate on the number of private sessions needed to reach your goals or (most of your goals). Previous, recent clients are exempt from the Initial Consult.
While these programs are designed to help tackle particular “issues” or problem areas, each program is customized specifically for you and your dog.
Ninety Minute Initial Consult: $187.46 (Santa Fe County tax is included). Beyond ninety minutes, $267.81 (Santa Fe County is tax included).
Training sessions are one hour in length and are $158.00/hour plus tax.
Discounts are available for multiple sessions. In other words, the more sessions you need to reach your goals, the better the discount! Santa Fe County tax will be added to the total amount of sessions.
These programs are also offered online/remote training in English and Spanish.
Herding Dog / Mix-Herding Breed Program
This program is close to my heart since most of my dogs have been herding breeds. There is so much to like about these breeds, such as their never-ending willingness to work and train. Their almost obsessive behaviors with any movement, herding instinct full-tilt even when not working stock, and their intrinsic need to herd anyone in sight. However, left unchecked, these behaviors can make the “urban-herding” dog a challenging pet.
The Herding Dog Program foments training, mental and physical stimulation in a manner that is appropriate to fulfill their natural ways in the context of urban living. As a result, you can have a herding dog that is much better adjusted to our human environment, less frustrated, and pleasant.
Settle down! Please! Program
Our program’s goal is to work with your dog (s) where it matters most to you, your home. Dogs learn the benefit of knowing how to turn themselves “off” so that everyone at home can have some peace of mind. It is also ideal for multiple-dog households since high-arousal situations are often the crux of inner-dog fights in the family home. Open to any age and breed.
Impulse-Control Program
Ah, naughty dogs can be so much fun! I love working with them because I see so much potential; they are very keen learners for the most part. They also exhibit high creativity in making up new games and training scenarios; what is not to like about that! These dogs need most to learn new and appropriate ways to re-direct their boundless energy and high intelligence.
Once they have learned new behaviors, both parties win!
All dogs must learn impulse control and practice it daily. Our program is open to all breeds and ages.
Better Focus on You, No matter the Circumstances Program
Indeed, it is rare for the client who thinks their dog is attentive to them when they need them to be so. There is no magic potion in teaching your dog to pay attention to you. Yet, achieving a more reliable focus is possible. In this program, we tip the balance in your favor by working on developing focus on you where it matters. Open to all ages and breeds.
Handling & Husbandry Program
We all want to be able to touch our dogs. Touch can be pleasant to both parties and a sure way to strengthen our bond with our dog. Yet, some folks can not even pet their dog without the dog getting upset or even dangerous. This program teaches your dog to relax (and also enjoy) husbandry related activities. Open to all ages and breeds.
More Games, More fun, and Less Trouble Program
Are you tired of feeling that you must walk your dog daily because that is what a good pet parent does?
Do you feel at a loss when it comes to engaging and entertaining your dog in ways that you both will enjoy?
Would you like to learn some training games that will provide you with choices to exercise your dog and provide it with appropriate mental stimulation without having to leave your home? More games, more fun, and less trouble program can be your answer. It is a customized program for every dog and human “player.” It will provide you with the tools you need to have an overall more relaxed and calm dog eager to engage with you.